Congratulations to Betty Lambert and her boy Charlie (Int/Nat/Hnr CH Magik's Goblet of Fire FDC DCAT DN DJX HDN CCA CGCA TKN ATT) and Donna Hogan and her girl Willow (Int/Nat/Hnr CH Magik's Champagne Taste on a Butterbeer Budget FDC BCAT DS DJA HDN CCA CGCA TKN ATT) - who earned their Hydro Dash Novice (HDN) title in October!
Congratulations to Ann Rowe and Brody (Jasmine x Mac) who earned his Beginner Novice (BN) Obedience title at the Golden Club sponsored show at ODTC, with first place finishes in every class.
Please take note if you are looking for puppies, I do not currently have any available. I get many emails every day asking about puppy availability and it is impossible to answer them all. I have a list of approved families that are waiting for a pup from my Fall/Winter breedings. My suggestion is to get on a reputable breeders list and be patient.
Thank you, Ann Rowe
Kelsea x Stetson Puppies - January 8, 2025
(6 Girls & 3 Boys)
Sadie x Milo Puppies - January 9, 2025
(1 Girl x 2 Boys)
Ann was recently featured in Lake & Sumter Style magazine. See the article below, or click on this link to the magazine. Style Magazine
Interviewer: Roxanne Brown
Photo Credit: Nicole Hamel
Interviewer: Roxanne Brown
Photo Credit: Nicole Hamel